Monday, 7 September 2009

APSA 2009 Paper: Hyperlink Analysis of the Anti and Pro Gun Control Advocacy Networks

We currently have a working paper available in the APSA 2009 conference proceedings:

Devereaux, Z.P., Cukier, W., Ryan, P. M., & Thomlinson, N.R. (2009, September 5). Using the Issue Crawler to Map Gun Control Issue-Networks. APSA 2009: Toronto Meeting [Conference Paper]. Available at SSRN:

We would appreciate any comments on the paper before we send it off to a journal for formal publication.

On another note, my blog activity has gone through the roof in the past few months for two reasons:

1) SSHRC season (everyone is looking for SSHRC advice):

2) CPSA Paper on the "Canadian Gun Registry":

Those two blog entries are now the most searched for on my site. Facebook policy is still popular too, but no where as near as these top two.